Mini-coil for Magnetic Stimulation in the Behaving Primate | MasterBond.com

In the Journal of Neuroscience Methods, in a research paper on a novel mini-coil which is specifically aimed at studying the neurophysiological mechanism of magnetic stimulation in behaving primates, Master Bond EP29LPSP was cited as follows. “A low viscosity Epoxy EP29LPSP compound (Master Bond Inc., Hackensack, USA), mixed with 25 u m fine Alumina particles were used to impregnate the coil during the winding process.”1

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1 Tischler, Hadass. Wolfus, Shuki. Friedman. Alexander. Perel, Eli. Pashut, Tamar. Lavidor, Michal. Alon Korngreen, Alon. Yeshurun, Yosef. Bar-Gad, Izhar. “Mini-coil for magnetic stimulation in the behaving primate.” Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel. June 12, 2010. Revised September 28, 2010.

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