FAR 25.853(a) for Flame Retardancy | MasterBond.com

FARMaster Bond has formulated 3 unique products successfully passing both the vertical and horizontal burn tests as listed under the FAR standard 14 CFR 25.853(a). This test, specified in Amendment 25-116 and Part 25 Appendix F, is typically used for determining material compatibility for cabin and cargo compartment components inside aircrafts. According to the test, the sample is put in contact with a flame for a specified time frame and angle. The burn rate, burn length and time are then measured. These parameters need to meet corresponding vertical and horizontal burn test specifications. The vertical test requirements are a bit more demanding compared to the horizontal test. However, the horizontal burn test is also very stringent and adequate in many applications.

Additionally, these products are RoHS compliant, and do not contain any substances of very high concern (SVHCs) as per REACH.

Vertical Burn Test:


Horizontal Burn Test:


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