EP31: Adhesive for piezoelectric microfiber composites, molecular diagnostics, and CO2 flow systems | MasterBond.com

Master Bond Case Study

Overview of EP31

Master Bond EP31 is a two-component epoxy-based resin that is primarily designed for bonding applications. As with our other epoxy-based adhesives, it features high strength after curing. As shown by the case studies below, this compound can bond a variety of dissimilar substrate pairs, including aluminum-acrylic and Kevlar-polyimide. The case studies below provide illustrative examples of EP31 used to bond components of aeronautical wings (piezoelectric actuators), biological apparatuses (DNA amplification), and thermocouple housings.

Piezoelectric Microfiber Composite Actuators for Morphing Wings

Researchers from California State University at San Bernardino have developed two approaches for obtaining control surfaces. The authors explored a direct bonding approach in which microfiber composite (MFC) actuators were directly bonded to the Kevlar wing using Master Bond EP31.

Read more on Piezoelectric Microfiber Composite Actuators for Morphing Wings case study

Molecular Diagnostics in a Teacup

Researchers at the University of Hawaii at Manoa have developed a novel method based on loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) that does not require the use of such instruments to detect the presence of Salmonella DNA in milk. As part of this approach, Master Bond EP31 was used to bond the cylinders that housed the phase-change material (PCM) that was responsible for maintaining the reaction temperature of the device.

Read more on Molecular Diagnostics in a Teacup case study

CO2 Flow System

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley performed a variety of experimental and numerical investigations to determine the performance of supercritical CO2 to extract heat from porous rock for geothermal applications. Master Bond EP31 was critical to ensuring that the thermocouples measured the temperature without leaking supercritical CO2.

Read more on CO2 Flow Systems case study


To read more about the types of applications, key parameters, requirements. and results of these aforementioned case studies involving EP31, please download the full case studies here.

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1Usher, T. D.; Ulibarri, K. R.; Camargo, G. S. Piezoelectric Microfiber Composite Actuators for Morphing Wings. ISRN Mater. Sci. 2013, 2013. https://doi.org/10.1155/2013/189659.

2Kubota, R.; Labarre, P.; Weigl, B. H.; Li, Y.; Haydock, P.; Jenkins, D. M. Molecular Diagnostics in a Teacup: Non-Instrumented Nucleic Acid Amplification (NINA) for Rapid, Low Cost Detection of Salmonella Enterica. Chin. Sci. Bull. 2013, 58 (10), 1162–1168. https://doi.org/10.1007/S11434-012-5634-9.

3Magliocco, M. J. (2015). Laboratory Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Heat Extraction From Porous Media by Means of CO2. UC Berkeley. ProQuest ID: Magliocco_berkeley_0028E_15079. Merritt ID: ark:/13030/m55f1wcg. Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/8f79p33s

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