Video on Master Bond UV22 | UV Curable Nanosilica Filled Epoxy | MasterBond.com

Our new video highlights the key properties of UV22, a one component, nanosilica filled UV curable epoxy system that meets NASA low outgassing specifications. This system offers exceptional abrasion resistance, superior optical clarity and thermal stability up to +350°F. It cures quickly and easily when exposed to a UV light source.



Video Transcript

Master Bond UV22 is a one part UV curable system that meets NASA low outgassing specifications. UV22 is available in a variety of packaging options to meet your needs, including cans, pails and syringes. It has a low viscosity and flows easily. Since, UV22 will only cure when exposed to a UV light, its working life is considered to be unlimited.

The product will cure quickly and easily when exposed to a UV light source. It has a cationic curing reaction, which gives it high temperature resistance and features excellent dimensional stability with low shrinkage while curing. After curing, we can see that UV22 offers outstanding optical clarity and light transmission properties. This system also features superior abrasion and chemical resistance thanks to its nanosilica filler.

For more information about UV22 contact Master Bond today!

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